If it was a mockingjay
I loved it even more because it loved me back
I didn't think I could be loved
or deserved to be loved
and then more broken I became
The more I realised
What I deserve
And that is what I got
Remember that little window Archie looked through to tell his dad "I'm right here, okay?" back in Riverdale?
It's funny but we're right those people. And where Mr.Jones lay, was our entire life. The life where we're tortured, beat, slashed, yet the same life where we're hugged, held so delicately. And no matter what this life does to us, no matter what happens in that room. All we can do, is sit and watch from the window.
It's so ironical, but it takes a split second till everything collides right in front of our eyes. It's like buildings of Japan, and Shawn wanted to get lost in Japan. Life's best looked through movies. It's better on a screen that through a window.
But why it really sucks to watch through just a window is, one spends hours, days and years building what ruins right in front of their eyes. It takes feelings, hopes, smiles, tears, memories to build that life. It takes courage to life ourselves from dust, while they just ruin it back to dust.
I still remember watching that episode like 6 months back. And it hit me today. And rewatching that scene gave more reason to existence. Let go of life. Leave it free. They say, if it's loyal, it comes back. If it was really was meant to be yours, if that life they're making dust off in that room is really supposed to be your label, it won't go. It'll rise from the ashes once again. Those hopes, smiles and tears will not go in vain.
So, hold on. Don't work too hard on it. If it's really to be yours, it's not going anywhere. It's a sin to not let to go of that life of yours. And it's a sin to kill it. That's why believe it'll come back. Don't expect, just believe. Play your music, dance your song, write your story. Do what you must. Don't push too hard.
Because remember when they said
"Shoot all the bluejays you want,
if you can hit 'em.
But remember
you can never kill a Mockingjay"
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