Writing and I fit like and puzzles

Have you ever seen an artist? Indulged in paiting. While painting that human (or for that matter an animal) is so engrossed in painting. He focuses on the tiny elements of nature when he puts it down on the canvas. He doesn't care if the tree is slightly big or small.  He just cares about painting it. Similarly my writing is the painting of my voice.

I can write forvever. You know, all I need in life is a pen and paper and my life is how I want it. Even alchemists do not change lead into gold. They change the world into words. Writing has always been a really significant part of my life. Write from class 2. When I was 7 my story got published in the newspaper. And then is when I knew I didn't care if the sky has engulfed me when I am sitting on a beach writting about the waves. I don't care if the salmon sky is going to change into poison and kill me. All I know is that the waves are coming in and breaking on the shore giving my feet a ticklish feeling while I shorthand it down.

It's so wonderful isn't it? Writing.  It just is like you are the creater. You can make someone jump in the water of drown in the air. Who cares. It's my story. And no one can tell my story, so I tell it myself.  And no one can write my story, so I write it myself. Writers are the best type of people of people.  My definition for writers would be:

Writ•er  / 'raidər/
1. A peculiar organism who is capable of transforming  caffeine into books.

If I am writing I can be queen or the king. I can make you the king. And I can be the slave. I can do anything. I own the words. The words are mine. And they are my slaves. They are helpless. They have to follow my orders.

Writitng to me is more than puttting pretty words on a paper. It is sharing a part of my soul with the world.  Writing first, and foremost teaches us that are alive and this is a gift, a privilege.  Not a right.

I love writing in my spiral binding brown notebook with my fountain pen. It tells me that I was born to write. And of course I write to live and live to write. I wish I could freeze every moment right there right then, and just pen it down. I write for the same reason I breathe- beacause if I didn't I'd die. 100% of the people in the world do not have time to listen to me. But the paper 100% listens to me. I could just sit on the beach with my headphones on and write forvever.  I write to taste  life twice. In the moment and in the retrospect.

I am a writer
We are the type of people who stay up past up 12 am  to finishing a story,
We are misunderstood,
We spend our time fixing plot bunnies,
But we are the people who give life to charecters and a world the society never knew about.
Because we remember being like you,
Wanting to escape reality,
And I am a writer.......... and I just love it like it belongs to me....

-Vanya Duggal


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