The sky and clouds are beyond the panorama

Sky. Always wonder what this word literally means. Why do we have a sky? Why do we need  a sky? Are there many skies? When I was small about 4 years old I used to wonder where the sky started from. Where did it end? Its been 7 years I haven't found the answer. Then we have the clouds. Always wonder where the clouds have come from. Why do we need them?  God can shower rain on his own. He doesn't need clouds or the sky. It is because of the clouds we have the sky. Then, the sky always turns dark and full of stars in the outer space. If the Earth becomes sunny in the morning then why is the space not sunny? There are so many stars there to make it bright. Was the sky there even in Adam and Eves time? The whole day the sky is  covered with clouds. I hardly see a cloudless sky. Where do the clouds dissapper in a cloudless sky? None of the scientests have been able to reveal this mystery of nature. This mystery of power. Millions have died while looking for this answer. Millions are still looking for the answer. Why do we colour the sky blue in drawings? Why do we leave the clouds white? Will we be able to see the outer space without the clouds? I have checked in many encyclopedias,journals but none satisfy me answer. That urge to know about the so called ' mystery of clouds and sky' is increasing day by day.  Are the clouds and sky a boon or a bane? Whatsoever they may be they are a cure to tension and pain. I mean, the sky make such unusual shapes, animals, object outlines. In our busy lives we hardly have time to look at the beauty of nature. Some people can't travel to high mountains or regions where there are mind blowing scenes. But all they can do is just look up and the simplest beauty of nature - the sky and clouds. People cribe and cry all day. Oh! My life full of misery. I think is should walk up to them and tell them the simplest  opportunity to enjoy life is to look up at the sky and spot that art and shapes that is beyond the best of the best scientests and artists. The art that is beyond human brain. The mystery that is out of the box.  The mystery that lies beyond the panorama. What will happen to this panorama( the sky and clouds) will they change colour, or will they dissappear forever. I say we are they sky. Every thing else is just the weather. Now it is our choice wheather we want to enjoy the weather or just sulk and crib that it could have been a better weather.

- Vanya Duggal


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